Adult Art Workshops
Sessions (60 to 90 minutes)
A: 15 adults: $675
B: 20 adults: $800
C: 30 adults: $1,050
Prices do not include art kits/supplies**
Custom Art Workshop Theme: $50+

Customer Review
“It was so much fun and I really enjoyed not thinking about work for 1.5 hours! I was amazed you were able to get me supplies on the same day, and I really appreciated having the full experience.”
- Rakuten employee

Print-making Workshop
With simple materials and no drawing or painting experience participants will learn how to make multiple prints using an etched print-making process. The finished prints can be used for cards, book-covers, or can be framed pieces of art.

Sumi E-Brush Painting
Participants will learn about the history, culture, and art of ink brush painting. Practice several painting techniques and create a scroll in the traditional Sumi style.

Abstract Art: No Mistakes
Yes, you can paint with a piece of string and create beautiful artworks. With this technique using sponges, string, and paint you will create a dynamic piece of art on a canvas board.

Suminagashi or “floating ink” is the ancient art of Japanese paper marbling. Participants, through a process of floating ink on water, will create vibrant sheets of paper that can be used for many art projects or as framed art.
Textile/Fabric Accordion Book
Learn how to use a traditional book-making technique to create an accordion folded book form. Cover book boards with cloth and bind with accordion folded paper to create a unique book that can be used for writing, drawing, and photos.
Work with Museum Programs Manager to design a customized theme and projects for your group.
For more information and to book your session, contact Museum Programs Manager: Shannon Meadors (shannon@mocha.org)